Last week on The Build, the American Modern crew pulled apart the Muncie four-speed transmission intended for their 1965 Malibu SS and started cleaning it up a bit. In decent condition, there wasn’t much that needed to be done, but it was certainly worth checking out to guarantee the working condition of the gearbox prior to it going back in the classic Chevy. This week on The Build, Claims Specialist Rick Drewry leads the crew through the remainder of the transmission cleaning and reassembly. Check it out above!
Though the Muncie four-speed hadn’t been causing any issues when it was pulled out of the car, the American Modern crew opted to play things safe and check it out anyway before the car was completely put back together. After all, it’s better to catch even a minor issue before reassembling a car rather than having to pull components back out after because of an issue that wasn’t caught in the first place.
Once the side plates and tail shaft were removed, the crew was able to clean up the seal areas and replace the old gaskets with new ones. This will not only guarantee a good start to the transmission’s new life, it will also help prevent leaks in the future.
With new gaskets on and everything put back together, the Muncie four-speed is ready to be put back in the ’65 Malibu.
Be sure to come back next week for the next episode of The Build!