Last March, car enthusiasts around the world gathered around computer screens and read with horrified curiosity about a late-model Camaro zooming across a Texas airstrip, before it lost control at around 220 MPH. The resulting high-speed barrel-roll shredded the car but somehow spared the life of the driver… and that was all we heard for nearly a year. No video surfaced, leaving us all wondering what the accident actually looked like.
Well that video has finally appeared, thanks to Jalopnik and a man with a camera pointed in the right direction, Alex Conley. The video isn’t graphic, but strong language makes it NSFW, and it still makes us cringe just watching it.
The video was taken from fairly far off, as you might expect from an event called the Texas Mile, where drivers aim to go as fast as they can in relatively little space. Conley was a few hundred yards from the accident when it happened, and his camera didn’t have much zoom, but we’re still able to see the Camaro clearly flipping out of control at a high rate of speed.
Driver John Hunneycutt amazing walked away with just a few scrapes and bruises, as well as a busted leg from the accident, which seems to just about shred the car as it bounces along the ground. Thankfully, a well-built roll cage protected the most valuable asset in the car, the driver, and while there isn’t much left of this 2,800 horsepower Camaro to salvage, Mr. Hunneycutt will live to drive another day.