Video: The Dynojet Success Story

People like to always talk a big game when it comes to horsepower and torque, throwing out numbers at the drop of a hat to try and one-up each other. How many times have we heard someone boast about the output of their Mustang, Camaro, Corvette, Challenger, and so on, but not have the proof to back it up?

dynojetvideo_3Getting the car dynoed is the only way to put the arguments to rest, and Dynojet Research has perched itself among automotive enthusiasts as a trusted maker of these vital tools for the better part of 42 years. Recently, the company made a special video asking some of the biggest names in the aftermarket industry to weigh in on what sets Dynojet apart.

“Everyone knows Dynojet, their name, they are nationally known,” said William Rollins of Hennessey Performance. “The quality of their parts is exceptional, and the best thing is there’s consistency. [Users aren’t] going to get fudged numbers out of it, they’re able to always count on it, rely on it, and go to a different Dynojet and have…the same numbers they got [before.]

dynojetvideo_2More than just settling scores, however, a Dynojet-made dynamometer is an important part of how many businesses generate revenue. “You’re able to make some money because you’re able to charge each car individually for the dyno session, but in addition, it opens the door to a whole crop of new customers that you ordinarily wouldn’t get,” said Ricardo Topete of GTR High Performance.

“So, it pays dividends down the road. You get a short-term gain, but you also get a long-term gain because you get new customers that find out about you and may come back for repeat business down the road.”

Most importantly, though, is the kind of trust that people put in their dynamometer numbers. Sasha Sogolow of BBK Performance made the case for Dynojet’s accuracy in how it helps prevent internal damage to the motor: “We have to trust our Dynojet numbers, because when it comes down to 10 to 15 horsepower, [the car owner] may not feel the difference, but the engine definitely will.”

BBK Performance's in-house dyno, which is a popular attraction at the company's annual car show.

BBK Performance’s in-house dyno, which is a popular attraction at the company’s annual car show.

When it comes to selecting the proper tool for the job, the tuning experts throughout the aftermarket opt for Dynojet and its quality components. Find out more about the company’s developments by visiting its website, and don’t forget to Like the official Facebook page for pictures, videos, promotions, and more.

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About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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