The hot rodding hobby is one that’s most fun when you can share the knowledge with the young ones. Let’s be honest, we didn’t spend all of those years in high school auto shop and in our own garages obtaining a greasy thumb, just so we could keep that talent to ourselves. Quite the opposite, the unique knowledge of motoring was meant to be passed down to and shared with…our kids!
And it’s the kids who seem to enjoy the car venues the most, whether you spend a Friday night at Toluca Lake, California’s Big Boy Diner, or you wake up early on Sunday for the Warner Center’s Supercar event. No matter what your venue of choice may be for weekend warrior fun, the Goodguys Rod & Custom Association offers an engine building challenge that not only exposes teenagers to the art of motor building, but teaches crucial skills for everyday living.
Automotive instructor, Russell Bacarella talks about the relationships that the Goodguys Engine Challenge forms between students and instructors, “The Hot Rodders of Tomorrow Engine Challenge is a national competition that allows high school students who are in automotive programs to compete.” Bacarella continues “they’re working with their coach, who is their teacher.” Bacarella also says, “Everything these kids do (as a part of the Challenge) will better them in life.” The Engine Challenge is one that hones life skills, those that carry teens in all areas of their personal walk.
He also said that the Challenge is designed so that participants only use hand tools, forcing the teenagers to utilize their natural talents, “No power tools at all. Everything that you’re going to see here is stuff that you can buy at Harbor Freight, Sears, one of the companies that sells off-the-shelf things,” Bacarella explains.
The Goodguys Rod & Custom Association brings together the best of both worlds: fun and education. If this sounds like a great venue for you and your teen, then make sure to give Goodguys a call!