Say that one five times fast: blue, big-block, big blower, Camaro! While that might be hard to say, the important part here is watching a blown, big-block Camaro fly down the track faster than you can say blue, big-block, big blower, Camaro!
There aren’t a lot of details listed about this Camaro, but do you really need them? This is one of those videos were you crank your speakers to eleven, sit back, and enjoy the sounds. These are just test passes down the track, so we don’t know how fast the passes are or what MPH he’s hitting. The details we do know are that it’s a 468 cubic inch big-block, with a Weiand 8-71 blower, making 740 horsepower, at the wheels.
What you can see though is the car setting up, and launching super hard. Each time he gets a tiny bit loose off the line, but keeps his foot in the pedal and straightens her out. Pass after pass was made, each one looking faster than the previous. He never lifts in any of the runs, just holds it wide all the way down the strip. With consistency like that, he’s bound to start racking up wins soon.
While his laps are impressive, if it’s us, we wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to sit there and boil the tires into oblivion. Who doesn’t love burnouts from a blue, big-block, big blower Camaro?