Video: Billet Specialties Receives Two New Haas VM6 Machines

If you’re like most people outside the machining industry, you’re probably asking yourself “What’s a Haas VM6 Machine?”

The Haas VM6 is a fully computer controlled CNC Mill. This is a piece of machinery that can take a solid block of aluminum and shape it into just about whatever you want. In the case of Billet Specialties, that could be a set of rims for your ride, a serpentine drive system, or a host of other billet pieces they make. 

Lifting the Haas VM6 off the trailer

Lifting the Haas VM6 off the trailer

In this video we can see a forklift carefully maneuvering between the existing machines in the shop, setting the new mills in their final resting spots. The shop itself is completely spotless and well organized, a sign of a quality shop. We can also see that there is at least five other CNC machines already in the shop. The addition of these two mills will increase Billet Specialties capacity by roughly 40%, which means you get your wheels and parts faster. 

The gentleman driving the forklift is like a surgeon getting the Haas VM6s into place. Besides being delicate, these machines have a hefty price tag with them. According to the Haas Automation Inc. website, the starting price on these bad boys is $135,990 a piece. If these and the other machines in the room did cost $135,990, there’s roughly $951,930 in just CNC mills. That’s impressive. 

What does all of this mean? When you order up a custom set of wheels for your ride, you won’t have to wait long. Nobody likes to wait on car parts, and we thank Billet Specialties in trying to avoid the long waits. 

The Haas VM6 in its new home.

The Haas VM6 in its new home.

About the author

Tim King

Tim grew up in the garage with his Father. From those early years grew a passion for anything with a motor. Helping his Dad and brother restore a '67 Nova is what fueled Tim’s passion for cars. At the age of 15 he bought his first car, a 1966 Chevelle which he still owns to this day. That car started his journey into the automotive world where he’s done just about everything, from being an auto mechanic to an aftermarket Sales Manager. Not only is he a gear head, but he also holds two Bachelors degrees from Cal State San Bernardino.
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