The land down under has once again caught our attention. It seems as though the racers and builders from Australia are now bringing their A-Game to the motorsports world. So, what happens when you have a third-gen Z28 Camaro and want something with gobs of horsepower and torque?
You send it to a shop called Dandy Engines. In return, you get an impressive, high horsepower monster of a car that now sports large, twin 76mm Precision turbochargers! Of course, that’s no stock block, either. The motor handling all of the turbocharged air is a 23-degree 406ci small-block built with completely forged internals.
The owner of Dandy Engines, Lou Ludica, has been in the auto sports and engine building industry for 26 years now. Lou started his shop originally performing your basic auto repair and stock rebuilds. Customers slowly began to trickle in asking him to add more power to their rides; and being a pioneer in Australia, Lou had no problem filling their requests.
After hiring some of the best of the best in the field, Dandy Engines now performs its own machining, custom building, and engine dynoing on site. To check out some sweet video footage of a few of their insane builds (including Australia’s fastest Falcon), you can visit their website here.