When it comes time to get behind the wheel of our classic rides, being able to steer is an important part of the equation. One thing to keep in mind is these hot rods are now several decades old, and as much as we hate to admit it, things wear out. The steering box that helps you strategically aim your hot rod is one of the wear items. Fortunately, there is a fix for this problem.
In March 2018, we did an article that focused on how easy it is to get an all-new GM steering box from Borgeson Universal Company. The article was called, Renewed Steering With Help From A Borgeson New-Gen Saginaw Box. With help from Jeff Grantmeyer, sales manager at Borgeson we collaborated to find out more about these new steering boxes. For that reason, I thought we would focus this week’s Throwback Thursday on this great article.
The sector shafts (left) are received from the foundry as raw forgings, then proceed to have the gear teeth formed on a purpose-built Gleason gear shaper. This is one of the original pieces of Saginaw equipment that Borgeson acquired. Raw housing castings (right) are purchased and machined in-house on specifically built fixtures that allow Borgeson to produce a finished casting in just two operations CNC machines.
“The Borgeson steering box is the OE,” says Grantmeyer. “That’s because, in 2014, Borgeson purchased all of the original tooling, equipment, and manufacturing rights for the entire Saginaw manual-steering gear line.” If that’s the case, what better way to get a brand-new steering box than by getting what is actually a new, original unit?

The Saginaw 525 manual-steering box is a simple design that was used for decades. All-new units are once again available through Borgeson and built to factory specs.
The original article’s focus is not on showing you how to swap the gearbox, but rather, what goes into building these all-new units. Take the time to look at the original article, as there is a lot more in-depth information within it. That is why I selected, Renewed Steering With Help From A Borgeson New-Gen Saginaw Box as this week’s Throwback Thursday showcase article.