Powerful Power Steering Tips From Borgeson Universal

No one is thrown off by the “Universal” part of the name in Borgeson Universal anymore. The company started out as a manufacturer of universal joints in 1914, ultimately becoming a leader in the field. For decades, they supplied industrial, automotive, military, and aerospace markets with almost any type of universal-joint design. But they do much more than that.

Many years ago, the company decided to include steering gears, steering shafts, gearboxes, and other components as the company entered into the new millennium. Ultimately, Borgeson became one of the front-runners in the automotive steering industry by supplying every component you could think of. Many, they had to design themselves.


Borgeson has been making universal joints for steering applications for decades. Adding its line of steering boxes is just another way the company is helping enthusiasts.

As proof they know steering from beginning to end, its website covers all things technical when it comes to steering systems. We decided to take a couple of the company’s tips and package them here for you.

Borgeson’s Method Of Diagnosing Power Steering Problems: 

When trying to determine what is causing a particular problem in your power steering, Borgeson recommends keeping this in mind: If the problem occurs in only one direction, the problem is probably in the box or rack. If the problem is in both directions, it is most likely the pump, dirty fluid, or hoses. Be sure there are no kinks or obstructions in your power steering hoses and that they are the right inside diameter for the application.


When you are dealing with older GM power steering gearboxes like this one, there can be a host of problems. Many times it is an easy fix. Other times, a new gearbox from Borgeson is in order.

Dirty Steering System

Before changing any component of the steering system, inspect the cleanliness of the system. Dirty or black fluid can quickly ruin new steering components. If changing the box or rack, rub your finger on the inside of the reservoir. If it isn’t clean, you must flush the pump and hoses with clean fluid before installing new components.

Bleeding The System

All power steering systems are designed to be self-bleeding, but sometimes they need a little help. After installing new components, fill the reservoir and let it sit for a few minutes. Raise the front end of the vehicle and turn the wheels back and forth slowly with the engine off to allow the steering box to draw fluid. Keep the reservoir full. When the fluid level stops dropping, start the vehicle and continue turning the wheels. When the fluid level remains constant, the system is fully bled. Put cardboard under the front tires while testing your steering system. The cardboard will slide on the floor and prevent wearing flat spots on the tires from the excessive turning of the wheels since the car is not moving.


Borgeson offers a solution for most steering problems enthusiasts will encounter.

Steering Box Adjustment

All Borgeson steering boxes are set to the proper specifications when built, so no adjustment should be needed. Any adjustments of the box beyond that will void the warranty and cause premature wear on the steering box. Please do not try to adjust your steering box. Please contact Borgeson if you feel your steering box needs adjustment.

Borgeson even offers kits to make a car with a manual steering system easier and safer with a power steering conversion kit.

Power Steering Pressure

GM power-steering pumps will produce up to 1,500 PSI. It is recommended that 1,200 PSI is developed for steering box applications and 800 to 900 PSI is utilized for Mustang rack-and-pinion systems. If a pump is generating too much pressure for the rack or box you are using, the steering will be over-assisted, resulting in twitchy steering at speed. This can be corrected by adjusting the pump’s internal pressure valve. To properly adjust this pressure, order Borgeson part number 899001-Pressure Reducing Kit.

For more information, tech tips, or to research the extensive product line, visit them online at borgeson.com.

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About the author

Bobby Kimbrough

Bobby grew up in the heart of Illinois, becoming an avid dirt track race fan which has developed into a life long passion. Taking a break from the Midwest dirt tracks to fight evil doers in the world, he completed a full 21 year career in the Marine Corps.
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