United Pacific Introduces 1955 Chevy One-Piece LED Taillights

New from United Pacific – the One-Piece Style Sequential LED Taillights for the 1955 Chevy. These lights are an easy, safety-minded resto-mod upgrade for the ’55 Chevy. See more details below.

Official Release:

United Pacific Industries’ new One-Piece Style Sequential LED Taillights for 1955 Chevy cars (part number 110207) are now available.

Wrapped in the same great, classic styling as the originals, but with the modern enhancement of super-bright LED illumination, the lights offer an easy, safety-minded resto-mod upgrade for the ’55 Chevy. In fact, their combination of form and function helped United Pacific earn a 2019 Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show Global Media Award.

“Everything we do is aimed at creating usefulness and value for our customers and these new ’55 Chevy taillights are a perfect example,” said Jai Baek, Marketing and Creative Director at United Pacific Industries. “These lights are made to look exactly like General Motors made them back in the day, but with modern-day LED functionality.”

Each taillight is composed of 48 super-bright LEDs arranged behind high-quality, red polycarbonate lenses (without backup lights) in a stock-appearing housing for a factory look. A sequential function for the turn signals is included and the customer can choose to use it or stay with the conventional signal operation, with a simple flick of a switch on the lighting element.

Additionally, a brake “attention” feature is also available with a sequence-once function. Each taillight assembly (sold separately) offers plug-and-play operation with a 1157-type connector. The electronics of each taillight is sealed in epoxy for moisture and corrosion resistance, while a solid state circuit board is engineered for any 12-volt electrical system.

United Pacific recommends an upgrade of the flasher unit to their part number 90652 or 90649 LED flashers, as well as their license plate frame with an LED backup light (part number 50187) to complement the taillights.


  • Same great classic styling as the originals
  • Modern enhancement of super-bright LED illumination
  • Easy safety-minded resto-mod upgrade for the ’55 Chevy

Article Sources

About the author

Chris McWilliams

Chris McWilliams grew up watching his dad race go-karts around his Southern Indiana home and started racing junior dragsters when he was 10 years old. Chris drove a UMP Mini Stock for two seasons until he totaled his racecar in an accident at Western Kentucky Speedway. He is currently a college student at Oakland City University working on a degree to pay the bills for his dirt racing addiction.
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