Lemons Headers Showcases Some Of Their Latest Work, Customer Rides

Thousands of hours of fabrication works goes into the construction of a no-expense-spared race car, and of all the works of sweat-induced art that encompass the inward and outward elements of the vehicle, there is perhaps none more impressive than a finely crafted set of doorslammer headers and none that a fabricator is more deserving of respect for his abilities.

The fit, the form, and the clean cuts and welds are what separate the top fabricators from the so-so fabricators, and among the best in the business is the crew at Lemons Headers in Paso Robles, Calif.

Lemons Headers, which launched its company Facebook page back in January, has utilized the online social media giant to showcase a wide range of headers they’ve formed and the vehicles that they reside within. Lemons President Dan Lemons and his crew have been hard at it of late, and as any company motivated to spread their message through digital media would, has been sharing regular looks at their work.

These recent additions include headers for a number of Big Block powered Pro Touring and road-going ’64-67 Chevelles, a Big Block Tri-Five, and a wild 572 cubic inch Chevrolet bullet. There’s of course an array of customer cars as well, from Jim Howe’s wicked blown True 10.5 Camaro, Chris Levangle’s Outlaw 10.5 Camaro, and Neal Hayman’s Northeast-based Camaro.

For more information on Lemons Headers, log on to lemonsheaders.com or visit their Facebook page.

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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