Goodguys Rod & Custom Association Announces Epic 2025 Schedule

Goodguys Rod & Custom Association Announces Epic 2025 Schedule

Buckle up because The Goodguys Rod & Custom Association has released its action-packed 2025 event schedule, and it’s bigger than ever. With 15 events across the nation, from the sunny shores of Del Mar, California to the historic grounds of Dover Motor Speedway, Goodguys promises a year filled with cool cars, cool people, and good times.

Kicking things off at WestWorld in Scottsdale, Arizona is the 15th FiTech Fuel Injection Nationals presented by Grundy Insurance, an event that kick-starts the season for March 14-16. Other fan-favorite shows include those at Meguiar’s Del Mar Nationals in California and Griot’s Garage North Carolina Nationals.

Goodguys Rod & Custom Association Event

That is not all. Goodguys is altering the format of the Mid-Atlantic Nationals and the Spring Lone Star Nationals in a two-day format, which will pack even more hot-rodding into a shorter time frame, to say nothing of the confluence of the Spring Lone Star Nationals with the now-famous Pate Swap Meet.

Summer heats up with Goodguys’ popular three-event swing, as it begins with the Speedway Motors Heartland Nationals at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, where fireworks will light up the evening sky. Then to Columbus, Ohio, the Summit Racing Nationals will keep things rolling, and two important awards will be distributed, including the PPG Street Machine and Classic Instruments Street Rod of the Year awards. Finally, it’s the West Coast’s turn as the Griot’s Garage Pacific Northwest Nationals is held in Washington State.

Goodguys Rod & Custom Association Event

Every Goodguys event brings a unique blend of family fun, live music, and high-octane excitement. With Summit Racing Nitro Thunderfest, vintage dragsters, burnout contests, pinstriping bashes, swap meets, and manufacturer midways laden with the latest and greatest in parts, it’s something for everybody.

The company allows specialty vehicles built in 1999 and older into the shows. Additionally, on Sundays, at National events, American-made or American-powered vehicles of all years are also welcome to join the party. So, take out that old ride, gather the family and friends, and get ready for a whole year of fun with Goodguys! For the full schedule, registration details, and spectators’ tickets purchase go to

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