Throwback Thursday: Bearing Installation With King Engine Bearings

Wow, the end of the week is almost here once again. It’s true when they say time flies when you’re having fun. Now that Thursday has hit us straight in the face and the end of the week is announcing its arrival, we’re certain you are planning to work on your project this weekend. If so, maybe your plans have already been made? If those plans for spending some quality time in your garage include building a new mill for your hot rod, you might want to check this out.

In this edition of Throwback Thursday, we’ve opened the Power Automedia vault and are taking a short hop back to April 2017, to check out: Rod And Main Bearing Installation With King Engine Bearings. With the help of King Engine Bearings, this week’s throwback goes in-depth to answer questions about engine bearings to help you properly assemble your new engine.

bearing installation

Engine assembly can understandably terrify many enthusiasts. Let’s face it, when doing so, you’re piecing together the heart of your hot rod and have spent a lot of money to get to this point. Inside are components rotating hundreds of times-per-second with engine bearing and other clearances being measured down to the thousandths and even tenths-of-a-thousandth of an inch in some cases! Needless to say, accuracy and patience are of the utmost importance here.

In the original article, we learn when installing main engine bearings and connecting rod bearings, that following the correct procedures will reduce excess wear and friction to guarantee a long and healthy life for your engine’s rotating assembly. For those of you who are all-in on doing this yourself or are just curious to learn more about what is involved — King Engine Bearings has created a simple twelve-step installation guide for rod and main bearings.

bearing installation

There is a lot of insight into the various choices and processes that are involved with bearing installation, and you’ll have to check out the original article to get the full download about, Rod And Main Bearing Installation With King Engine Bearings.

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About the author

Randy Bolig

Randy Bolig has been working on cars and has been involved in the hobby ever since he bought his first car when he was only 14 years old. His passion for performance got him noticed by many locals, and he began helping them modify their vehicles.
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