SEMA 2023: Aeromotive Launches New Series Of Performance Water Pumps

Aeromotive, renowned for its fuel pumps and fuel system components, has segued into a surprising, yet not all that surprising — given its fluid transfer engineering pedigree — new product lineup of water pumps debuted at this week’s SEMA Show in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The company’s first-ever water product is its universal Remote Mount inline electric pump for engine coolant, which features a reliable brushed electric motor. Built with an aluminum/stainless wetted part construction, it flows 27 gpm, draws 16 amps at 13.5 volts, and weighs just 4.3 pounds. It sports a dependable, long-lasting mechanical seal, and 5/16-inch threads or through-bolt mounting options. Aeromotive says this pump is suitable for any street or track vehicle where the stock water pump is inadequate.

water pumps

Its LS-specific pump (PN 24304) features a lightweight billet aluminum case and dependable O-ring sealing. Fittings sized 1½-inch NPT inlet and 1 ¼-inch NPT outlet are included. The LS pump flows 40 gpm and produces 2 psi at 13.5 volts, weighing just 8.3 pounds.

There is a radiator mounted water pump (PN 24305) that can also be tank mounted. A weld-on mounting plate and hardware is supplied for your setup. This pump flows 40 gpm, at 2 psi with 13.5 volts, and weighs 5.8 pounds.

water pumps

Lastly, small-block and big-block Chevy water pumps (PN 24306) feature a lightweight billet aluminum construction with a brushed electric motor and boast higher flow rates at higher pressures than similarly sized competitors. The pump flows 34 gpm at 2 psi with 13.5 volts. The SBC weighs in at 6.9 pounds, the BBC at 7.2.

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About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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