“Pump gas is often a witch’s brew of additives, ethanol, methanol, and who knows what else.” Blane Burnett of Holley talked to us about Earl’s Performance Vapor Guard hose ends and hoses. The thermoplastic barrier inside these hoses keeps vapors contained and protects plumbing from the harsh, deteriorating compounds inside modern day fuel. Learn more about this new product in the video above.
Combat fuel loss today, below is an excerpt directly off Earl’s homepage, visit them for more detailed information.
“Earl’s Vapor Guard hose and hose ends provide a complete, economical solution that virtually eliminates fuel permeation issues common with most rubber fuel lines. Vapor Guard’s secret is in its layers. The innermost primary barrier layer offers high resistance to heat and aggressive fuels. The middle Vapor Guard™ barrier is a thermoplastic layer that provides superior fuel isolation and virtually eliminates vapors from escaping through the hose. The exterior cover barrier provides extreme tolerance to heat and ozone gas, giving Vapor Guard three layers of protection against hose deterioration.”