
Reader’s Ride: Benny Buckler’s 1989 Chevrolet S10

A symbol of loss has been turned into a labor of love by Benny Buckler in the beautiful hills of Kentucky. Beyond being a mere means of transportation, his 1989 Chevy S10 serves as an unforgettable example of the lasting connections between family.

Benny received the truck in its original red and gray paint. We think Benny's color choices are a much better fit for this S10.

This Chevy S10 was saved from the verge of extinction; it belonged to Benny’s uncle, and he inherited it when his uncle passed away. Upon receiving the truck as part of his inheritance, Benny found it to be little more than a “big red paperweight” — an abandoned artifact headed for the dump. The rusting frame and faded paint offered an opportunity for Benny to commemorate his uncle’s legacy.

Benny has spent the last year or so fixing up this memento of the family’s past. Away from the luxury of professional workshops with lifts and paint booths, Benny painstakingly worked in his backyard to restore the vehicle. Piece by piece, he rebuilt the truck, giving each part a new lease on life.

1989 S10

The trusty 4.3-liter V6 engine still powers Benny’s S10.

After a thorough makeover, this S10’s bodywork is now shiny and new. Amazingly, the wheels were donated from a friend’s 1969 Nova, so the design incorporates both their history and friendship. As evidence of the truck’s durability, the rebuilt 4.3-liter V6 engine can be heard humming beneath the hood.

This undertaking, which Benny affectionately calls “The backyard creation,” has been done on a budget, but maintained quality workmanship. It exemplifies his tenacity and ingenuity, with blood, sweat, and tears being shed along the way, yet every bolt twisted and touch of paint was a step toward his goal.

1989 S10

GM produced some of the most iconic-looking gauges over the years and Benny’s S10 still uses all the OEM units in the dash of his truck.

Despite the hundreds of hours Benny has devoted to it, the Chevy S10 is still an ongoing project. The experience itself is as important as the final product. For Benny, this is a voyage of restoration, reflection, and artistry. While he works, Benny believes that his uncle is smiling down on the work being done to the cherished truck that they shared.

Benny’s 1989 S10 is an autobiography, a tale of shared experiences and adventures. Benny’s story demonstrates the importance of dedication and the life-altering effects of elbow grease and spinning wrenches. It’s a story of how a decommissioned Chevy S10 was given new life in a backyard in Kentucky and turned into a symbol of love and cherished memories. It is a reminder that sometimes the most spectacular things can emerge from the most ordinary of places. Restoring this 1989 S10 has allowed Benny to honor his uncle’s legacy while also preserving an important piece of automotive history.

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Let’s See Your Chevy!

We love to see other enthusiast’s rides as well. It doesn’t matter where they are still in the build process, if they are finished, or if you’re simply enjoying them in their current state. All we need are a few photos and some information about you and your Chevy. That said, the more information and images you submit the more we can show (and talk about) your car to the rest of our readers.

We’re looking forward to seeing what you are doing to keep the Chevy Hardcore lifestyle alive. If you want to see more cars built and owned by our readers, send us a few pictures of your car showing the engine, interior, and exterior, along with all the pertinent information, so we can include it in our Reader’s Ride section. You can send your submissions to [email protected].

About the author

Caecey Killian

I’d rather spend a night in the garage than a night out on the town. With over 10 years of experience building cars and going fast, I am still just as excited to keep learning and keep going faster.
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