LS Fest West 2022 Recap

LS Fest West 2022 Recap

Holley’s LS Fest West 2022 in Las Vegas has come and gone. And we have to say, this particular show keeps getting better with time. As expected, West has done nothing but grow, and the quality of cars at this event is extraordinary. While LS Fest East continues to dominate as far as the show size, West seems to be making up ground quickly. And the exciting part is that there’s plenty of room to expand at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. 

We kicked LS Fest West 2022 off with our annual Valley of Fire cruise. This year, we had a solid crew with hot rods, classics, pro-touring machines, and modern muscle cars. We left Las Vegas Motor Speedway and headed out on the 30-mile trek to the Valley of Fire State Park. This drive is breathtaking as the road twist and turns, going up and down the hills and canyons. Be sure and check out the entire Valley of Fire cruise article here

LS Fest West Day One

The first day of LS Fest West 2022 was full of surprises. While I’ve never seen it rain in Vegas before, I watched it firsthand this year. And it’s not something I will soon forget. It was cold, wet, windy, and miserable. 

Fortunately, vendors like Purpose Built apparel were on hand with windbreakers and hoodies for sale, which saved some of our unprepared crewmembers. Finally, however, the skies parted, letting the sun out before the day’s end, leaving plenty of time for activities. We didn’t get to see much racing toward the beginning, but things quickly picked up after that. Car and trucks were on the dragstrips, autocross, and in the burnout pit before the day’s end. 

LS Fest Day Two

The second day of LS Fest was packed! People were everywhere as the show kept getting larger though out the day. The autocross never let up as the Grand Champion competition was raging with both modern and classic cars and trucks doing battle lap after lap. The drag strip also ran nonstop since the weather was up to par for the majority of the day. 

And if that’s not enough to keep one busy, spectators could walk the midway and visit Holley, Lingenfelter, Speedtech, Melling, AFR, SCAT, and Deatchwerks, and many more. LS Fest is a great place to get in front of vendors and ask them any questions you may have if you’ve never been. 

As the wind picked up, you could see a heavy cloud of dust from miles away as the off-road cars and buggies tore up the custom-built offroad course. And there were some big names there like the YouTube sensation Blake Wilkey and his Megaladon. Speaking of YouTubers, Cleetus McFarland and Emelia Hartford were there as well. We even saw McFarland annihilating the tires on his C5 Corvette drift machine, Donnie. Hartford was also there with her twin-turbo C8 and a few other cars on display. Check out the full event gallery below.

Photo gallery


LS Fest Day Three

Day three at LS Fest is always bitter-sweet. Typically by now, we are completely exhausted and looking forward to getting back home, but we also don’t want to leave. Fortunately, there’s still a ton of stuff going on. We spent most of the day watching the 3S challenge and then visited with some of the vendors. Typically, we can be found on the show’s last day, checking out the cars and shooting a couple of features before wrapping up.  

With all of our gear loaded and some new parts, we hopped in the Tahoe and headed back to Texas. While on the drive, we were able to decompress and reflect on the show’s highlights and the fun that we had. And we have to tell you, if you’ve never been to LS Fest West, it’s an experience like no other.

More To Come

While we hope to see you in Sin City next year, be sure and mark your calendars for June 17-18, 2022, because LS Fest Texas is making its debut in the Lone Star State! And it’s going to be a great time. See you soon… 

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About the author

Brian Havins

A gearhead for life, Brian is obsessed with all things fast. Banging gears, turning wrenches, and praying while spraying are just a few of his favorite things.
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