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Video: Chevrolet Turns 100

We’ve been hyping up Chevrolet’s centennial birthday quite a bit this year and on November 3rd, the iconic company officially turned 100 years old. Although we didn’t announce this landmark on Thursday, we were celebrating in the best way possible- bringing you news of amazing Chevrolets and performance parts from the SEMA show in Las Vegas. We weren’t the only ones celebrating Chevy’s birthday, however. So to were several celebrities and Chevrolet fans, creating a happy birthday tribute for the all-American company on YouTube [1].

Chevrolet’s 100 years of success has come at the hands of hundreds of people. From Louis Chevrolet and William C. Durant who founded the company back in 1911, to iconic racers like Bill Snowden (the driver who helped Chevrolet make its NASCAR debut in 1949), Fonty Flock (who got the first Chevrolet win in NASCAR in 1955), Mario Andretti and Tony Stewart, to the thousands of Chevrolet fans, everyone from the every-day individual to the famous has made Chevrolet’s centennial birthday possible.

[2]In the video, well known individuals like Ron Fellows, Evander Holyfield, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Jeff Gordon, Rick Hendrick and Sinbad all wish Chevrolet a happy 100th birthday. Even the guys over at Corvette Racing got involved, including Oliver Gavin, Jan Magnussen and Richard Westbrook. After all, who better to give Chevrolet warm birthday wishes than the race car drivers, celebrities and fans that have made Chevrolet so successful in their 100 years?

Now that Chevy has turned 100, I think I speak for a legion of fans and enthusiasts when I say we hope for 100 more. Happy birthday Chevrolet!